Thursday, November 01, 2007


Back in November I was listening to Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. I had started to blog about it, but didn't finish. I saw that the blog title was still in draft, so I'm going to finish itnow. First, for all the fans I am one too. I've read the other 2 books and will read the fourth coming out this summer. The series are written very well. The plot and characters are clearly defined. I don't have a problem with that. My main concern was the part in Eclipse when Jacob forcibly kissed Bella. She hit him in return. Good Girl! Obviously since he is a werewolf it didn't really hurt, but the hit was still there. I didn't like the way, it seemed to me, that everyone else basically laughed it off or made it seem that she overreacted. Everyone knows how much Jacob loves her and that she just needs to deal. Excuse me!!!!! It reminded me off my friends who were in high school, or friends that I met in college, who had been molested, raped and/or in abusive relationships. The guys would always say, but it's because I like you so much. It's your fault. Or their friends and families would treat the situation like the boy is so nice. He likes you so much. Just give him a chance. The way it was treated at that point in the story, I almost stopped reading it. It made me so angry. I ranted to everyone about it. Teen girls are in these relationships and stay in them, even though they are abusive, b/c they feel/ are told they should. It eats way at your esteem and self-respect. & No, I don't think this is what Stephanie Meyer was thinking/writing about in Eclipse. I highly doubt it. & Yes, especially for a YA book, towards the end of the book Bella kisses Jacob again and realizes she does really love him! Oh no! Should she stay w/ wonderful Edward or go to wild Jacob? If you haven't read Eclipse, I won't tell you how it ends. Did she stay with Ed or go to Jake?

To reiterate, it's a great series, Twilight. The new book, Breaking Dawn, is coming out August 2nd. I'm definitely going to read it. And the Twilight the movie is coming out in December 2008. Cedric Diggory from HP Goblet of Fire is playing Edward. Yum! I'm so going to see it. I personally was angry with one part of one book, but it made me so angry that I really needed to get it out. Thanks for reading!

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